Earth Analytics - Python (GEOG 4563/5563)
Semester: Annually in the spring semester, online and in person
Open to: Professional certificate students, existing CU graduate and undergraduate students
Prerequisites: Geog 4463/5463 or another course demonstrating programming proficiency
Credits: 3
Specifically, in this course students will learn to:
- Use Python to open, process, map and work with spatial data.
- Work with diverse data formats (e.g. raster, vector, tabular and JSON), structures (e.g. social media, crowdsourced and spatial) and types (e.g. remote sensing, sensor network and ground-truthed).
- Find and access data efficiently using websites and Programmatic APIs.
- Work with and derive metrics from remote sensing data.
- Use Jupyter Notebooks to maintain efficient workflows and to create fluid data driven reports that link data to analysis and process.
- Effectively communicate science and collaborate on interdisciplinary projects.
- Document your workflow using clean, expressive coding and following open science principles.
Project Team
Project Lead
Leah Wasser
Leah has a Ph.D. in Ecology and a Master’s in Landscape Architecture. She has nearly 20 years of experience teaching data intensive science. Previously, she was a senior scientist at NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) where she developed and lead the Data Skills program.