Anna Braswell is a coastal macrosystem ecologist, interested in the connections between upland, marine and human systems. Through the use of geospatial data sets and Zillow's ZTRAX database, her current research investigates development of the coastline and the historical loss of coastal ecosystems. Her research is conducted with Stefan Leyk in the Department of Geography. Anna completed her PhD in 2017 from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. Anna's PhD research focused on the question: What are the ultimate drivers of coastal wetland formation and loss? Anna used geospatial analysis and wetland sediment core records to understand how coastal wetland extent and age depend on watershed sediment delivery and land use, coastal morphology, and human alteration. Understanding the critical factors in wetland formation can help determine how changes in land use, water infrastructure and coastal conditions will influence wetland distribution in the future. After earning her BA in Environmental Studies from Washington University in St. Louis, Anna worked as a research assistant in California at the Channel Islands National Park and a Biologist for the USFWS. She completed a MS in Biology under Dr. Julia Cherry at the University of Alabama.
Anna loves long walks with her pup, Tuli, and crafting in her free time.