Earth Data Science Bootcamp (GEOG 4463/5463)


Semester: Annually in the fall semester, online and in person
Instructor: Jenny Palomino
Open to: Professional certificate students, existing CU graduate and undergraduate students
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 3

Specifically, in this course students will learn to:

  • Write clear, expressive and efficient modular code in Python to process and visualize different data types including spatial, time series and other formats.
  • Use programming principles including functions and basic automation with loops and syntax.
  • Design and write a basic algorithm to process data.
  • Optimize code sharing and reuse through code documentation techniques.
  • Employ data management best practices to facilitate efficient workflows and collaboration.
  • Use Bash/Shell to navigate the computer directory, create directories and interface with Git/GitHub.
  • Use Git/GitHub and Bash/Shell for version control, reproducible workflows, scientific collaboration and project management.
  • Organize documents and directories using sound data management approaches.
  • Effectively communicate science and collaborate on interdisciplinary group projects.

Project Team

Project Lead

Jenny Palomino

Jenny is now a Google Employee.