


Capstone Project

Spilled Secrets

Dolphins, whales and birds greatly affected by unreported and over looked oil spills in the North Sea

study area

Fig. 1. The figure shows oil slicks in red and country EEZ in grey.

The total number of Oil Spills Detected in 2020 are 475

oil spills in the north sea

Fig. 2. Number of oil spills in 2020 by month

Number of oil spills detected per 10,000 km2 by country

When taking the countries EEZ area size into account, Germany and United Kingdom had more oil spills.

oil spills detected by country

Fig. 3. Number of oil spills normalized by 10,000 km2 by country

Three "IUCN vulnerable species" among the top five most affected by oil spills!

Among the species evaluated, five stood out for their pronounced vulnerability:

  1. Common Guillemot
  2. Northern Fulmar – listed as 'Vulnerable' by the IUCN
  3. Harbour Porpoise – listed as 'Vulnerable' by the IUCN
  4. Black Legged Kittiwake – listed as 'Vulnerable' by the IUCN
  5. Northern Gannet

It's noteworthy that of the 24 species under examination, six are designated as 'Vulnerable' by the IUCN. Alarmingly, half of these vulnerable species rank among the top five most affected by oil spills, emphasizing the acute risks faced by already endangered fauna.

animals affected by oil spills

Fig. 4. Number of animals affected by oil spills in 2020. Red highlighted species are listed on ICUN as Vulnerable species.