Karen Cranston is a software development contractor for EarthLab. She develops the abc-classroom autograding package for Earth Lab courses and maintains the JupyterHub environment for online teaching.
Karen has a PhD in medical genetics from the University of Alberta with a research background in phylogenetic methods. She has been working in open science for over a decade as a research scientist, informatics team member, and educator. As a founding member of Data Carpentry, she is acutely aware of the need for accessible, quality data science education across scientific domains.
She currently works from a farm in Eastern Ontario, where she has chickens, horses, and too many cats.
In alignment with our mission to support open, reproducible science, Earth Lab has developed a number of open source software tools and packages to allow users to help teachers and students use earth data in the classroom. These include abc-classroom, EarthPy, MatPlotCheck, and nbgrader as well as customized JupyterHub and Anaconda/Python environments.